Bible Bil3arabe

Now you can read the New Testament and Psalms in the Lebanese dialect written in the Latin alphabet

Halla2 sar fik to2ra el 3ahd el Jdid wel mazameer bil lahje el lebneniyye el maktoube bi a7rof Latin!

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Why Bible Bil3arabe? 🤔


A majority of the young generation in Lebanon find it difficult to understand the Bible in the formal Arabic language. In order to encourage them to read God’s Word, the Bible Society in Lebanon came up with the Bible Bil3arabe App concept.

The text in this app is a translation of the formal Arabic Bible text into the spoken Lebanese dialect.

It is based on the Good News Arabic Translation (الترجمة العربية المشتركة).

Bible Bil3arabe is best for:

The Bible is God’s message for YOU! Read it as you would a WhatsApp message from a friend 😉

What better way to learn Lebanese Arabic than through being encouraged through God’s Word?!

Many churches or groups reach out to youth who have not had the privilege of schooling. The Bible in the common chat language will allow these individuals to read along and feel part of the group.

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Ktir habbeyt el fekra”


“I just downloaded the Bible  3arabe app and this is so good! Thank you so much! ”

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القراءة الدرامية للكتاب المقدس

Jeel il Injeel
